Hi, I’m Adam Najberg. A career coach & mentor.

 I spent 25 years as a journalist – 21 of them as a foreign correspondent at The Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones – listening to the stories of people from around the world, gaining insights into the life and times of different continents and countries. I left media in 2015 and have been a communications and content professional at some of the world’s largest and best-known tech companies these past eight years. In my professional life, I’ve witnessed the aftermath of tragedy, advised C-suite executives on crisis and reputation and mentored and guided the careers of up-and-coming staff and mid-level and senior leaders seeking clarity in dealing with office politics, bullies, mental blocks and other roadblocks to peak performance, advancement and new opportunities. I’m the author of three books and the editor of several others. I’m a sports fan and fitness aficionado, a dog lover and someone who genuinely likes to apply my empathic tendencies and skills to help others at work and in their personal or professional lives. 

Empower Your Career: Expert Guidance and Exclusive Resources

On this site, you have the opportunity to send me questions if you need my help, to schedule appointments if you’re sure you want the help or to browse my library of video and print content, including my blog, articles or videos I’ve seen and want to share. You can also subscribe to my newsletter or videos, order the paperback, ebook or audiobook version of my guide for which this site is named: Jumpstarting Your Career: Tips & Hacks to Crack the Job Search Market. I also offer a video series for sale for those who are more visually oriented. I’ve played at the highest levels for most of my professional life. I know the stressors, both personal and work-related, that can hold you back or leave you feeling anxious, unfocused, burned out, bewildered or looking for possible paths forward. I’d love to hear from you, to see if I can help you. There’s no risk to you, as our first 30-minute session will be free.

My Message To You

Life today is full of stress and demands on our time, effort and brainpower. Everything moves faster than ever before. Our planet is under threat from climate change, our jobs are at risk from the rise of artificial intelligence, you get disappointed by the promotion or raise you failed to get. It wears on you, both personally and professionally. I’ve been there, and I get that. 

The toughest part of dealing with the speed, the office politics, a bullying boss, tension with family and friend groups is to not get overwhelmed and knocked off your axis of stability and calm. It’s far too easy to become overwhelmed, angry, anxious, demoralized, tired and maybe even depressed.

So, I’m here to help, if I can. I’m not here to solve your problems. But I am here to help you solve them on your own. Because I believe everyone has a superpower. It just needs to be activated through the power of positive psychology. That’s why I’ve named my coaching practice P3 (“p-cubed”). It just takes time to expand your mind so that you can remove the hiccups, anxiety or roadblocks in your professional and personal life and get you more content with the way that you live and performing at full effectiveness at work.

As a life & career coach and mentor, I’m dedicated to helping you unlock their full potential and achieve their professional goals. With years of experience in the corporate world, I have developed a deep understanding of the challenges that professionals face in their careers. As a father, a husband and an adult man, I have a wealth of work and life experience. I am committed to providing personalized guidance and support to help them navigate those challenges successfully. 

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Career Counseling

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Career eBooks

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The best thing you can do for your career is to do it for yourself.

-Adam Najberg

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